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Fruit in Focus | Peachcot

February 12, 2020

Peachcot a tropical fruit growing in all climates of Australia

Fruit in Focus: Peachcots

We have so many lovely stone fruit varieties that you can choose from on our multi-grafted fruit trees; we thought we'd better introduce them all.

A lot of people haven't heard of this delightful stone fruit. The Peachcot is a hybrid between a peach and an apricot. It has a firmer flesh with a sweeter and less tart flavour than an Apricot. Botanically a peach but the fruit is small and orange, looking more like an Apricot. Low chill and can be even grown in the subtropics. They have a small clingstone seed that is easy to remove when the fruit is ripe.

Fruit characteristics: A delicious sweet stone fruit. The Peachcot is a great alternative if you're after an apricot style of fruit. Grow one today with one of our many other beautiful stone fruit varieties!

Blossoms: Beautiful white blossoms in Spring.

Pollination Information: Peachcots are a self fertile variety.

Height: When planted in the ground our multi-grafted Stone Fruit Salad Trees will grow to approximately 3 metres. They can be pruned to around 2m if preferable. They are fantastic to espalier along a fence or wall.

Fruiting Season: December - January.

Preferred Climate: Tropical to cold.

Can they grow in pots? Yes; we recommend planting your Fruit Salad Tree in pots starting in size of around 40 cm in diameter (see our care instructions for more information).

Pruning: Remember to balance your multi-grafted Fruit Salad citrus tree every 2-3 weeks during the growing phase of Spring & Summer and as the weather cools, once a month for best results!

Notes: If you live in a fruit fly prone area then fruit fly preventatives are a must - consider bagging your fruit for protection.

How to grow your multi-grafted Stone Fruit Salad Tree

Location: At least 6 hours of full sun (morning sun is best), protected from the wind, and not too close to fencing that retains heat (eg colorbond). Potted plants do enjoy a daily misting for humidity as will placing a tray with rocks filled with water under the plant as the water evaporates.

Soil: Well drained loamy soil with a pH around 6.0 -7.0. Adding lime to your soil will increase your pH and sulphur will lower it.

Fertilisation: While your stone fruit tree is young apply nitrogen based fertilisers to help develop the trees frame work.

  • Summer: When your tree starts producing fruit, to increase a better fruit harvest look for fertilisers high in potassium.
  • Spring: Apply fertilisers with trace elements.
  • Winter: Don't fertilise your stone fruit tree while it is dormant (in winter), wait until the tree is waking up - when you start to see new growth.
  • Autumn: Apply fertilisers with trace elements.

Tip: When growing your Fruit Salad Frees in a pot you may need to fertilise more regularly. Always follow the directions on the container.

Frost: As Spring temperatures often fluctuate it is always good to think about protecting your blossoms from frost.

Thinning Fruit: During the fruiting season it is a good idea to thin your fruit crop. If you have too much fruit or if they are rubbing together take out the smallest fruit to encourage the tree to put its energy into growing larger fruit.

Thinning is the process of removing a selection of fruit from your trees while the fruit is still small; by doing this you improve your fruit quality and size, helps keep yearly fruit production regular (avoid biennial bearing) and avoid damage to your frame work from excess weight.

Special requirements: We recommend that you apply a spray program, particularly at leaf fall (as early as May in some climates) and budswell (before budburst) as a preventative for fungal diseases like leaf curl.

More tree care tips

For further tips on growing your multi-grafted Fruit Salad Tree look at balancing your Fruit Salad Tree, planting your tree in a pot, planting your tree in the ground, training your Fruit Salad Tree and tree care.

Check out our comprehensive Pest + Disease Guide for clues on what might be hindering the growth of your Fruit Salad Tree.

Shop all Fruit Salad Trees with Peachcot:



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