We dispatch our trees every Tuesday, for delivery to most states of Australia. WA & TAS are sent on the first Tuesday of the month.

Fruit Salad Trees | Watering your fruit trees in Winter

June 20, 2019

Fruit Salad Trees | Watering your fruit trees in Winter

We're often asked at this time of year how often you should water your fruit trees. Before you get the hose out, there's a few things that you need to check. Read on for a full guide to checking, watering and caring for your fruit tree this Winter.

Check your soil first 

You'll need to take into account your soil type. Heavy and slow draining soils will require less watering than sandy soils.

If you are located in a cool temperate climate like Melbourne or Canberra. you really need to consider the amount of rain you have had in your region. If it has been dry then giving your fruit tree a good water every 2 weeks will suffice - remember to keep the area around the tree topped with a good mulch (not bark) to help regulate the soil temperature.

Top tip! Water only when the soil is on the VERGE of becoming dry. Don’t over water your tree - this can do as much damage as not watering at all and result in stress to your fruit salad tree. 

Water your fruit tree at the right time of the day

watering your fruit salad tree

Plan your watering schedule for the early morning and apply the water directly to the soil. Adding extra potassium to your citrus trees over winter can help your fruit tree deal with the cooler weather - frost protection for your citrus is also something to consider while the tree is young.

If you are in a drier climate, then a deep watering every week will allow the moisture to reach the roots and keep the soil moist.

Top up your mulch

top u p your mulch for your fruit tree this winter

Adding a thin layer of fresh mulch at the beginning of winter will help retain the water and regulate the soil temperature. Always consider the local rainfall levels in your region. Watch out for late frosts when your stone and apple trees are starting to blossom.

More Fruit Salad Tree growing tips

Remember with younger trees to thin the first fruit that will appear. Dane shows how to prune and balance your young tree here.

You may like to train your grafts to grow in a certain fashion. Read more about training your tree with stakes here.

Did you know that you can also espalier any Fruit Salad Tree? Espalier your fruit tree by attaching the branches to wires or along a lattice framework, creating a fan shape which results in faster growth. Read more about espaliering your Fruit Salad Tree here.

We love seeing your Fruit Salad Tree grow. Feel free to share your growing pics with us by using #myfruitsaladtree on facebook on instagram if you have a  public profile. Otherwise direct message us your photos. You can also ask us more detailed questions and our nursery staff can give you advice. Follow us on facebook and instagram today for more tips, tricks and specials.

fruit salad tree in the ground in new south wales orange lemon lime pomelo grapefruit tree

Our fast fruiting trees can be grown in the ground, or in pots on your balcony. For more information on growing your tree in a pot, read our detailed guide here. For information on planting your Fruit Salad Tree read our step by step guide here, and for planting your tree in clay soil, watch Sue's informative video in our article on planting in clay soil here.

Have you read our Winter Care Reminder? Sign up today for 10% off your first order.

We send out regular care reminder emails to our email subscribers, which are jam packed full of specials, fruit tree care and more from our nursery team. * indicates required


Fruit Salad Trees make perfectly different gifts! Our gift cards are emailed instantly. You can also shop our wide range of trees now and check out our current specials here!



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